Bing dwen dwen key infringement infringement cases, the parties warned.
Shuey Rhon Rhon and Bing dwen dwen, Beijing's Winter Olympics and Paralympic Games have not yet dissipated. In the face of the situation of "one trick is hard to find", individual businesses began to make crooked ideas, want to rub the "ice" degree, and take risks to make a profit. Recently, Xiuyu District investigated and dealt with a case involving pirates and pirates in the Winter Olympic Games.
In February, Bing dwen dwen, the law enforcement supervision department of the cultural and marketing Bureau of the cultural and Sports Bureau, transferred the Xiuyu jewelry culture and Sports Bureau to a jewelry store suspected of selling the "ice pier pier" derivatives on the Internet. After receiving the verification task, the law enforcement personnel of Xiuyu district took action in time and seriously carried out investigation. After Bing dwen dwen, the law enforcement officers found that a cartoon panda key chain sold in a shop in the area was suspected of infringing copies of the "mascot ice block of Beijing Winter Olympic Games". Law enforcement officers seized 69 "cartoon panda key chains" and related transaction records on the spot. After Bing dwen dwen Bing dwen dwen, the jewellery store, without the permission of Beijing Winter Olympic Organizing Committee, sold the "Beijing panda mascot ice cube pier" tort copy "cartoon panda key chain", violating the Beijing Winter Olympic Organizing Committee's "ice pier pier" art works distribution rights, damaging the public interest. According to the copyright law of the people's Republic of China and the regulations on the implementation of the copyright law, the Xiuyu District Bureau of culture, sports and tourism shall give the parties an administrative penalty of warning, confiscating the infringing copies and illegal income involved, and imposing a fine of 5000 yuan.
Bing dwen dwen and Shuey Rhon Rhon are the original Olympic mascots. Their image is spread within the protection of the copyright law. Copying and selling without the permission of the copyright owner infringes upon the rights of the copyright owner and damages the public interest. With the improvement of China's laws, the protection of intellectual property rights has also been strengthened in judicial practice. When using other people's works, we should strictly abide by the legal provisions to avoid the emergence of tort liability and even criminal liability.